Towards a stronger democracy

The Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit think tank dedicated to the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova.

Education Reform

Education Reform

Education shapes a society and defines its future. Moldova cannot reach its economic potential or strengthen its democracy without a reform in Education.
Peace & Development

Peace & Development

Moldova sits right next to the most destructive war in Europe since WWII, while also having a separatist region with foreign troops, an autonomous region with separatist views and a divided society in terms of geopolitical leaning. Our objective is to contribute to stability through peace and development.
European Integration

European Integration

CIPM is dedicated to the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, promoting its commitment to the democratic values of human rights and rule of law.
Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

CIPM aims to empower women in Moldova by enhancing their leadership and entrepreneurship skills, providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to confidently navigate the business landscape, drive innovation, and contribute to the economic development of their country.

Our Advocacy Strategy

Whenever we identify solutions that need policy changes, the Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova designs a strategy around the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) developed by Paul Sabatier and Hank Jenkins-Smith.

We have demonstrated good capacity in reaching out to diverse groups and organizations with which we share core beliefs about policies, thus it became clear to us that the Advocacy Coalition Framework is the best model for CIPM.

Therefore, the ACF strategies we follow in order to coordinate and collaborate with relevant organizations and individuals are:

  • Coordination with individuals in power who share the same core beliefs.
  • Change beliefs through data, research and data exchange. CIPM applies this ACF strategy in their projects in order to make an impact at the society level.
  • Change public opinion through mass-media, social media and demonstrations. CIPM applies this Advocacy Coalition Framework strategy in all projects.

Our Advocacy Tools

The Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova uses the following tools for implementing our advocacy strategies:

  • Directly contacting members of the Government or of the Parliament through email and official letters or establishing consultation meetings. Our messages are constructive and always address the main social issues with a long term view. Example: mass migration of young professionals.

  • Organizing events (round tables, Chatham House events, forums/summits, national conferences, thematic groups working in cafe workshops) with invitations towards key decision makers and civil society organizations.
  • Carrying out social media campaigns and raising public awareness through radio and television.
  • Coalition building & crowdsourcing efforts for policy-making (in education).
  • Expert opinion papers with cross-industry consultations (education, business environment, public administration, civil society).

Our most impactful projects

Legal education in schools across Moldova

Under this project, CIPM strengthened the capacities of the professionals from the legal field who are members of the Legal Education Network to have a leading legal education role in the society. Following up on that, they empowered younger generations to speak out and defend justice and rule of law in their communities by conducting legal education lessons in schools.

Smart Diaspora - Quality Education Innovators

CIPM put together a coalition of professionals from within the Moldovan diaspora. Coming from various backgrounds (IT, nuclear physics, European affairs, engineering, maths, etc.), they consulted each other on how to contribute to the quality of the education system in Moldova. The main partner of this project was the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (ANACIP).

Anticorruption standard in the medical system

The Municipal Clinical Hospital ”Sfântul Arhanghel Mihail” in Chișinău, with support from the CIPM experts, has begun implementing ISO 37001 - Anti bribery management system, an international standard which aimes at reestablishing the focus on patients, while also introducing performance metrics designed to improve the quality of care and of the system overall.

Implementation of European standards

This project raised awareness about the need for standardization among civil society actors from the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. It facilitated access to information about standards & related activities. It also strengthened the capacity of National Standards Bodies in EaP countries to maintain a better dialogue on how to implement European standards effectively.
