Transfer of knowledge in the field of nuclear physics and engineering
Physics and nuclear engineering is a vast and important field of applied research but currently is quite unknown to the general public in the Republic of Moldova. Not being an atomic energy producing country, the Republic of Moldova does not currently have significant resources and capabilities to research or implement technologies in the field of nuclear physics and engineering. Over the last few decades, energy production through the implementation and continuous improvement of nuclear industry techniques has seen significant worldwide growth. Thus, some countries in the South-Eastern Europe region (eg Romania) have been equipped with nuclear power generation capacities in the last quarter of a century, others (eg Bulgaria) have modernized their existing capabilities.
The diversification of energy supply resources through the participation of the Republic of Moldova in the construction of new nuclear reactors in the neighboring countries (eg the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, Romania) is today regarded as a viable method of increasing the state's energy independence and considerably diminish the harmful effect of the widespread use of fossil energy sources.
At the same time, there is a relatively low level of information of the population regarding the possible effects of technologies that use ionizing radiation or radiological and nuclear materials on health in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, topics such as radioprotection, radio-diagnostic techniques, radiotherapy, effects of the accumulation of radon gas in dwellings, etc. - are virtually unknown to the general public.
The need to deepen knowledge in the field of nuclear physics and engineering stems both from the medium and long-term prospects of capitalizing on the potential of atomic energy for the national economy and from the utility in the short term of adopting intelligent behavioral habits in everyday relations with technologies uses ionizing radiation and / or radiological and nuclear materials.
In this respect, Association pour l'Intégration des Migrants in partnership with CIPM, Maker Movement and Moldova State University implements the project "Transfer of knowledge in the field of nuclear physics and engineering" with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and International Organization for Migration (IOM). The project aims to increase the degree of preparation of the beneficiaries in the field of fundamental and applied physics and nuclear engineering by developing analytical skills, critical thinking, and adaptable skills in everyday life.
This project is only possible due to the support from the following entities: